Tuesday, 30 April 2013

Rocket Science (2007)

 Every so often I like to watch a film that I have never heard of before and have absolutely no idea what it's about. Usually, it involves picking a random actor/actress, typing their name into Wikipedia, picking one of their films at random (usually an early one) and giving it a watch. So, as my Pitch Perfect DVD had just arrived, this time I chose Anna Kendrick, and this is the film that showed up.

 This quirky indie film tells the story of Hal Hefner (Reece Thompson), a high school kid with a stutter who decides to join his high school debate team. When his debating partner Ginny Ryerson (Anna Kendrick) transfers schools and leave his without a team mate, he enlists the help of Ben (Nicholas D'Agosto), Ginny's former partner and champion debater, to help him conquer his stutter and win the debating competition.

 Considering that I had no idea what this movie was about when I clicked play, this is not what I expected (it is called 'Rocket Science' after all). However, the film is charming and offbeat in its own special way. The story is quite strange with the characters very obviously being misfits within high school and society at large. But that doesn't distract from the story and overall theme that nothing can stop you doing what you want to do.

 It is funny in an off centre kind of way, with quite a lot of sarcasm and a dry sense of humour (which fits with me pretty well). However, it also balances the comedy with the drama very well, and finishes with quite a well rounded movie.

 Acting wise, when it comes to the debate scenes the actors are incredible (particularly Kendrick and D'Agosto). God knows how they managed to do those scenes at the pace they do and act well whilst doing it.

 However, one of the drawbacks of this film for me was the main character. It was well acted and all that, but I just didn't feel for the guy. I didn't want him to win. Maybe this is intentional as *SPOILER* he doesn't win, but I didn't feel like I wanted him to succeed. This possibly made the film drag a bit and made the lessons that the character is supposed to learn fall a bit flat for me as the viewer.

Having said that, the film is generally pretty good. It is charmingly funny (without being laugh out loud hilarious) and is overall a sweet independent film.

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