Lawless, set in the great depression, is based on the lives of the Bondurant brothers. The eldest, Forrest (Tom Hardy) runs a bootleg moonshine business and the youngest or the three, Jack (Shia LaBeouf) is desperate to become more involved. But whilst the family start selling outside of the state to big time gangster Floyd Banner (Gary Oldman), Special Deputy Charles Rakes (Guy Pearce) is determined to stop the brothers in their tracks and will do this by any means necessary.
I must admit that I didn't really want to see this film. I didn't really appeal to me and the only reason I went is because one of my friends wanted to see it and nobody would go with him. I am glad I agreed to see it though as it was a great dramatic film. Every single one of the actors gave a brilliant performance, with Guy Pearce stealing the film as the truly evil deputy. I don't think he has ever been better, and his performance makes the film. All the other actors also do a great job and in my opinion this is Shia LaBeouf at his best.
The drama and suspense are high throughout and keep the pace of the film moving at a good speed. However, if you don't like violence, this is not one for you. There are a few particularly gory scenes, including a rather graphic throat cutting section, that are not for the faint hearted.
Overall, I think this is a great film and would highly recommend seeing it. Lots of drama, action and great performances.
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